High Fever

Fever in babies is usually caused by a viral infection that is resolved by itself in 2-3 days. A feverish baby younger than 3 months must be seen by a doctor and his/her condition must be examined and treated at a hospital. Medicine to reduce the fever must be administered to the baby or child under consultation with the doctor.

  • In addition to the fever, if your child is continuously crying, moaning and displaying discomfort upon touch,
  • Displaying symptoms of discomfort in spite of reduced fever,
  • Is drowsy, unconscious or in delirium,
  • If his/her soft spot is sunken or raised,
  • Has purple rash on his/her skin accompanying his/her fever,
  • Had a previous convulsion,
  • Has dry mucous membrane of the mouth as well eyes, and symptoms of fluid loss showing up in the concavity of the eye ball and his/her soft spot,
  • If he/she is having difficulties in breathing, or is breathing fast, coughing, wheezing, has chest pain, ear ache, tummy ache, throat ache, stiffness of the neck, continuous vomiting, diarrhea, burning sensation when peeing, discoloration of pee then a doctor’s opinion must be sought immediately.

How to reduce fever?

A family could be engulfed in panic as their child or baby becomes feverish. However, under such conditions you must keep your calm and try to remember the ways of fast fever relief. Tips to reduce fever in babies and children:

Clothing: In case of slight fever around 38.5oC, remove layers of clothing and dress your child in loose pajamas made of thin fabric. 

Intake of fluids: Give your child plenty of fluids.
Temperature of the environment: Ensure that the temperature of the environment he/she is in is kept at 21-22oC. 

Warm Shower Bath: Let your child take a warm shower bath at 29-32oC or apply warm damp cloths on his/her body.

Do not immediately administer a fever reducing agent: You can administer a fever reducing medicine under consultation with your doctor if the fever reaches 39oC.